Hearing and Understanding



The seed that falls on rich soil is the one who hears and understands the Word of God. Listen to how God spoke to two ministers in Mobile and invited them to “hear and understand” one another better. See how God bore fruit through them a “hundredfold.” Consider how God wants you to hear and understand...ie love God’s word and your neighbor’s word more.

Dig In Further:

Would you be willing to take this pledge? —“I pledge to love my neighbor and to reject my own tendency to distance myself from those different than me.”

What group of people do you tend to distance yourself from, even if subconsciously?

How can you more intentionally seek to “hear and understand” God’s word in your life? Your neighbor’s word?

What is holding you back from being “rich soil” for the Word of God to plant itself and yield the fruits of heaven here on earth?


Wheat & Weeds


Doing Things With God