Doing Things With God



There is a big difference between doing things “for” God and doing things “with” God. Many times the “yoke” we carry is of our own making—heavy and burdensome and filled with anxieties. However, today Jesus invites us to carry his yoke—easy and light, one he wishes to carry with us. Giving up our yoke and being willing to take on his yoke starts with one simple but life changing prayer—“I give you everything! And I want everything you’ve got for me!”

Dig In Further:

Can you identify moments or perhaps chapters in your own life when you were living “For God?” Can you see moments when you were acting, thinking or deciding “WITH God” instead? How did those experiences differ?

Have you ever giving everything to God? Your life? Your spouse? Your children? Your job? Your house? Your car? Your past? Your future? Your strengths? Your weaknesses? Your sins?

If not, why not? What is holding you back? Is there a fear or nervousness that creeps in? What would that fear entail? 

Have you ever totally opened yourself up to “What God’s got” for you? If yes, what was that like? How did it change your life?

If not, again, what is holding you back? Do you fear God might give you more than you can handle? That he might direct you to somewhere different than you already are? 

In all of these considerations, remember that God is our loving Father. He is a Good God. Who wants nothing than the best for us. He sent his Son to live and die for us. He comes to us meek and humble, riding on an ass. He comes with a yoke perfectly crafted for you and He to carry together. Compared to the heavy burdens we choose, this “yoke is easy and it’s burden light.”


Hearing and Understanding


Welcoming in God’s Name