Episode 5: Influential Figures

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Today Fr. Victor reflects upon the great impact that two people, in particular, had on his faith throughout his teenage years. His youth minister was a Mom who simply responded to the need of the parish to provide a place for their youth to engage their faith. The priest only served in his parish for one summer but opened his horizons about the role of a priest in the lives of young people and connected him to the larger Catholic world in the Archdiocese outside of Montgomery. Both influences proved to be life-changing.

Dig in Further:

1. Like Joan Plumlee, how might the Lord be calling you to step forward more deeply into the life of the Church…especially were you might be inadequate or unprepared?

2. Has the Lord ever put a “Fr. Steve Williams” into your life? Someone that passes through your life just for a couple months, but really makes an impact on you? If not, maybe ask the Lord to bring someone like that into your life.

3. How you can help the young people in your parish realize they are part of something bigger than themselves? Bigger than your parish? Bigger than the world?


Episode 6: Fr. Steve Williams


Episode 4: Silvia Stroud