Episode 12: Andrea Nemesszeghy

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Today you will meet a rather unique woman—a person who is half Hungarian and half Chilean who grew up in Puerto Rico, lived for a time in Chile and Hungary and left her Native Soil when a friend invited her to take a job in Mobile! Andrea offers a compelling testimony to God’s Providence and the blessings that come when we trust the Lord. She shares a unique perspective about ministering to youth in a diverse parish setting and reflects on the particular needs of the Hispanic families in feeling comfortable with their children participating in youth ministry. Also, she talks about her role as “Youth Ministry Coordinator” serving alongside Fr. Connor Plessala the “Youth Minister.”

Dig in Further:

1. Do you live with a belief that God is guiding you through life? Are there any areas of your life where you worry too much about how things will work out? How might you be able to surrender these things more to God’s Providence and find greater peace in your life?

2. How can all the teens in your parish feel more welcome to participate in youth ministry? Are there any groups in your parish that are not represented well? How might you reach out to them? How might you invite some adults from that group to be part of your youth ministry team to help navigate these challenges?

3. Andrea helped us to realize how much coordination, communication, paperwork, etc. is involved in having a successful youth ministry program. Her taking care of much of the coordination allows Fr. Connor to focus on preparing the “teachings” for the youth and being as pastorally present and available to the youth as possible? How can you and your parish discern the gifts of the clergy and laity alike and help better connect them to the needs of the youth in your parish?


Episode 13: Joy Lang


LIVE in Auburn, AL