Episode 7: Anthony Tobin & Vagabond Missions

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Meet Anthony Tobin. Originally from New York state. Hear how a compelling youth minister came into his life and changed the course of everything. Be amazed at how the Lord invited Anthony and his family to move to our Native Soil. Walk with him through his several years as a youth minister and into this new season of his life leading Vagabond Missions in Mobile. We met his counterpart in this minsitry Lauren Alley last season. See how the Lord brought these two together for this mission to the spiritually poor youth of Mobile.

Dig In Further:

Who had the biggest impact on you in your youth? Was it a teacher? Coach? Parent? Youth minister? What did they do exactly that made you feel loved, cared for or closer to God? How might you be called to be that person for someone else?

Have you ever felt a stirring in your heart when presented with an opportunity to serve in a new way? When you were presented with a new job, ministry, location or idea? If the stirring involved a cocktail of passion, love, zeal and an impulse to step in that direction against the odds, take some time and take it to prayer. See what the Lord might want to do.

How do you evangelize the unchurched in your area? How does your parish? How might you and your parish more effectively reach out the unchurched…especially the unchurched poor and youth…and invite them into the life of the Church?


Episode 8: The Poverty of Fatherhood


Episode 6: Jim Backes & Prison Ministry