Episode 11: Srs. Elizabeth & Lucia


Meet Srs. Elizabeth (formerly Olivia Barter) and Sr. Lucia. They are both nuns at the cloistered Carmel Convent in Covington, LA. Sr. Elizabeth grew up Christ the King Parish in Daphne where she attended grade school and was active in the youth group. She graduated from McGill Toolen. Sr. Lucia grew up in Lafayette and entered the Carmel a couple years after Sr. Elizabeth after teaching for a couple of years. Hear how God revealed himself to these young women and called them to belong entirely to Jesus.

Dig In Further:

Have you ever felt that God is calling you closer to him? Has that scared you in any way? What fears are holding you back?

Have you ever considered a call to the Religious Life? To belong entirely to Christ? If not, why not? If you don’t open you ears, how will you know if the Lord is calling?

Have you ever read St. Therese of Lisieux’s autobiography Story of a Soul? If not, today is your day. It is one of the most important spiritual writings in the history of the Church and arguably the most critical for our Church today. It had a big impact on Srs. Elizabeth and Lucia. Give it chance to have an impact on you.

How much of a priority is prayer in your life? How can it move closer to Number One?


Episode 12: Ryan Dardard


Episode 10: Sonya Garcia