Episode 6: Grace Galligan

Synopsis: Meet Grace Galligan. Project Manager for Native Soil! Originally from Philadelphia. Hear how she wrestled with two great passions growing up—running and photography. See how the Lord guided her each step of the way. Discover what brought her to Alabama. You will appreciate her honest words about uncertainty, loneliness and God being attentive to the desires of our hearts.

Dig In Further:

Have you ever been torn between two passions of yours? How did you resolve the dilemma? What does it look like to seek the Lord’s guidance in such a moment?

Have you ever felt lonely? How did you deal with it? Did you get to know anything different about yourself?

How do you trust God when you are not sure what is next? What are you to do in the meantime? How can you be present to the gift of each day, but still discern where the Lord is leading you?


Episode 7: Justin Castanza


Episode 5: Joe Arensberg