Episode 9: Deacon Clarence

Synopsis: Meet Dc. Clarence Darrington. A Montgomery native. Grew up at the City of St. Jude. Through a divorce in his family, went to the Baptist Church for years and became a leader. Listen how the Lord brought him full circle back to the Catholic Church, led him to his Catholic wife and revealed a call to become a permanent deacon. A true story of God’s providence!

Dig In Further:

What aspects of being raised in the Catholic faith really sunk in? What things stick with you to this day?

Have you ever seen the “Providence” of God in your life? Like you get a clear look at the plan he has been working on all your life? When was it? What were the circumstances?

Have you ever felt called to do something…and then been surprised at the timing or circumstances that God asked you to start responding?


Episode 10: Sonya Garcia


Episode 8: Marguerite Murphy