Episode 9: Lessons from the HEART

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Today Fr. Victor shares about a Catholic Service Mission Trip he participated in for five summers straight growing up. He reflects upon the great impact it had on him and the elements of that experience that reveal what effective youth ministry looks like. He points at three components in particular that helped to make his faith come alive and be put into practice.

Dig in Further:

1. How can your teens better encounter Christ within your parish community? How can they experience a sense of belonging, fun, joy, being known and appreciated, etc in your parish?

2. How can your teens better encounter Christ through the Sacraments at your parish? What can help them to more personally be aware of, appreciate and open their hearts to being touched by Christ’s life, death, resurrection and ascension into heaven made available to them in the Sacraments?

3. How can your teens better encounter Christ in the poor through your parish? How can they regularly be brought into contact with the poor and be given concrete chances to get to know them and their circumstances while serving them in some real way?


Episode 10: Jami Graham


Episode 8: Fr. Connor Plessala