Episode 4: Silvia Stroud

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Meet Silvia Stroud. Wife. Mother. Disciple. Middle School Religion Teacher. Marvel how the Lord brought her to Alabama and once here drew here deeper into her Catholic faith. Share in her enthusiasm as she shares her passion for transmitting the faith to her middle school students at Christ the King in Daphne. She shares a number of good practical tips for catechesis as well.

Dig in Further:

1. What is something you can do daily to learn more about your Catholic faith?

2. What is something you and your family can do daily to learn more about your Catholic faith?

3. Which of the resources Silvia mentioned caught your attention? Can you commit to getting your hands on that resource this week and digging in?! Can you commit to making your way through that resource a little bit each day until you’ve covered it all?!


Episode 5: Influential Figures


Episode 3: Tex Phelps