Episode 2: Pope Saint John Paul II

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Today Fr. Victor shares about seeing Pope St. Paul II in St. Louis as an eighth grader. The excitement, energy, enthusiasm and diversity of the experience was not something he was expecting. It blew the lid off what he understood to be “Catholic.” Hopefully, his story…along with the help of St. JPII…can do the same for you!

Dig in Further:

Have you ever been in the presence of a “saint?” What was it like? What did it convey to you about Christ? About being part of the Body of Christ?

What is the most “catholic” (“universal”) experience you have ever had? How did that experience help you to understand more fully what you are a part of as a Catholic?

Have you ever admired somebody at the natural level…and then found out they were Catholic? What impact did that make on you? How might the Lord want to you use to have a similar impact on others?


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