Blending Our Life With God’s



Prayer brings us into communion with God. In prayer, we give God a chance to blend our thoughts, our will and our life with his. He never intended for us to live our lives apart from him…separated from his life and power. Let’s take the time to let God do this essential work in us!

Dig In Further Questions:

Have you ever had a thought that you knew came from God? 

Is there an area in your life that you know God is speaking to you about, but you haven’t found the will to respond to his word?

Is there an area in your life that you need to rely on God’s power more? An area that you find yourself straining and seemingly beating your head against a wall to no avail? If so, what would it look like to rely more on God? How can you present yourself before God in prayer and allow him to blend his thoughts, will and power into your life so that you quit trying to tackle the problem by yourself?


How Odd of God?


God Works Miracles Through Our Faith and Love